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投标书内具体的格式内容因招标文件要求的不同而不同,不能一概而论。 1、投标函; 2、法定代表人资格证明书; 3、法人授权委托书; 4、投标人资格声明; 5、合法有效的法人营业执照副本复印件并加盖投标人公章(或三证合一法人营业执照); 6、合法有效的税务登记证副本复印件并加盖投标人公章(或三证合一法人营业执照); 7、合法有效的组织机构代码证副本复印件并加盖投标人公章(或三证合一法人营业执照); 8、《无违法记录和公司及其法定代表人无行贿犯罪声明》。

扩展资料: 投标书分类: 1、按招标的范围可分为国际招标书和国内的招标书。 国际招标书和投标书要求两种版本,按国际惯例以英文版本为准。


如果是中国单位进行国际招标,招标文件中一般注明,当中英文版本产生差异时以中文为准。 2、按招标的标的物划分,又可分为三大类;货物、工程、服务。





Preparation of Tenders 标书编制All documents relating to the tender and any correspondence shall be in the English language. The tender submitted by the tenderer shall comprise the following: 标书相关文件以及所有往来文件应为英文。投标人提交的标书应包括以下内容:(1)These Instructions to Tenderers, Forms of Tender, Conditions of Contract, Appendix to conditions of Contract and Specifications; 投标须知,标书表格,合同条款,合同附件以及规范文件。

(2)Tender Security; 投标保证金(3)Priced Bills of Quantities; 工作量清单以及价格(4)Qualification Information Form and Documents; 资质文件(5)Alternative offers where invited; and 要求的备选方案(6)Any other materials required to be completed and submitted by the tenderers. 需要投标人填写和提交的所有文件资料。The tenderer shall fill in rates and prices for all items of the Works described in the Bills of Quantities. Items for which no rate or price is entered by the tenderer will not be paid for separately when executed but shall be deemed covered by the other rates and prices in the Bills of Quantities. All duties, taxes, and other levies payable by the Contractor under the Contract, or for any other cause relevant to the Contract, as of 30 days prior to the deadline for submission of tenders, shall be included in the tender price submitted by the tenderer. 投标人应填写工作量清单中提到的工程所包含的项、单价以及价格。


The rates and prices quoted by the tenderer shall only be subject to adjustment during the performance of the Contract if provided for in the Appendix to Conditions of Contract and provisions made in the Conditions of Contract. 只有合同条款和附件规定,否则合同执行期间,投标人不得调整所提供的单价和价格。The unit rates and prices shall be in Kenya Shillings. 单价和价格应为肯利亚先令Tenders shall remain valid for a period of 120 days from the date of submission. However in exceptional circumstances, the Employer may request that the tenderers extend the period of validity for a specified additional period. The request and the tenderers' responses shall be made in writing. A tenderer may refuse the request without forfeiting the Tender Security. A tenderer agreeing to the request will not be required or permitted to otherwise modify the tender, but will be required to extend the validity of Tender Security for the period of the extension, and in compliance with Clause in all respects.标书有效期为至提交后的120天内。






包含下列主要九项内容: 1.招标邀请函; 2.投标人须知; 3.招标项目的技术要求及附件; 4.投标书格式; 5.投标保证文件; 6.合同条件(合同的一般条款及特殊条款); 7.技术标准、规范; 8.投标企业资格文件; 9.合同格式。 一般无论工程还是货物都包括以上几部分内容。




评标的方法、原则、招标结果的处理、合同的授予及签订方式、投标保证金。 扩展资料投标书分类: 1、按招标的范围可分为国际招标书和国内的招标书。

国际招标书和投标书要求两种版本,按国际惯例以英文版本为准。 一般是以建设采购方所在地的语言为准。

如国外的企业进行国际招标,一般是以英语(或当地语言)为准。 如果是中国单位进行国际招标,招标文件中一般注明,当中英文版本产生差异时以中文为准。

2、按招标的标的物划分,又可分为三大类;货物、工程、服务。 根据具体标的物的不同还可以进一步细分。





这篇是英文译文对照的,可以看看:)~~The contract will be awarded to the lowest responsive bidder complying with the conditions and specifications of the invitation for bids provided his bid is reasonable and it is to the interest of the UNFPA to accept it.译文:采购合同将被授予按照招标邀请函的条件和规定作出相应且标价最低的投标人,但是规定,该投标人的标价时合理的且符合联合国人口基金的利益。

(2) The bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its bid.译文:投标人须承担由于编制和提交其投标书而引起的一切费用。(3) The Bid, all correspondences and documents shall be written in the English language.译文:投标书、所有往来函件和文件均须用英语语言书写。


译文:The amendment will be notified in writing to all prospective Bidders who have purchased the Bidding Documents. The prospective Bidders shall promptly acknowledge receipt thereof by fax/telex to AHTC.(2)ii. in the event of acceptance of the Tender by the Authority, the date upon which the Tenderer provides a performance security to the Authority in accordance with the terms of the contract thereby made between them, or译文:ii. 在当局棘手了某个投标书的情况下, 该投标人按双方签订的合同条件向当局提交履约保证的日期。Such consequences would normally be that the contract is declared null and void and the contractor forfeits his tender security.译文:此类后果常常是,合同被宣布无效,以及承包商的投标保证金将被没收。


译文:To assist in evaluation, the tendering center can ask the Bidders for explanation of their documents. The answer can be in written but cannot change its price and content in bids are to be validly received by China National Machinery Import & Export Corporation before 10:00 . on the specified opening date at the address below. Bids will be opened at 10:30 . December 20, 20_ (Beijing time).译文: 所有投标书须于规定的开标日当天上午10点之前送达位于下列地址的中国机械进出口总公司并被有效地接受。所有投标书将于背景时间20_年12月20日10:30被启封。

The tenderer should be informed that, if he has delivered, posted or dispatched his tender prior to the formal submission date he has the right to modify or make corrections to it, provided that any such modifications or corrections are received by the employer/engineer in writing prior to the time specified for submission of tenders. The original tender thus modified or corrected would then be considered as the official tender.译文:应通知投标人,如果他在正式的提交日之前递交、邮寄或发送了他的投标书,他有权对其做出修改或更正,但规定,关于任何此类修改或更正,投标人必须使雇主/工程师在规定的投标书提交日期之前收到书面文本。如此修改或更正后的投标书正本即被认为是正式的投标书。

If the lowest evaluated tender as clarified still contains deviations which are unacceptable to the employer/engineer, the tenderer should be notified and given the opportunity of withdrawing such deviations in writing. The tenderer may do so only if he confirms in writing that the withdrawal makes no change to the tender price. If no such confirmation is received the tender should be rejected and the next lowest evaluated tender as clarified should be considered, and so on.译文: 如果评定的报价最低的投标书在澄清后仍包含有雇主/工程师不能接受的偏差,则应通知投标人,给予其书面撤回此类偏差的机会。只有在投标人书面确认撤回偏差,并不对标价做出修改,他才真的撤回了偏差。




包含下列主要九项内容: 招标邀请函;投标人须知;招标项目的技术要求及附件;投标书格式;投标保证文件;合同条件(合同的一般条款及特殊条款);技术标准、规范;投标企业资格文件;合同格式。一般无论工程还是货物都包括以上几部分内容。




评标的方法、原则、招标结果的处理、合同的授予及签订方式、投标保证金。 扩展资料:投标书分类: 1、按招标的范围可分为国际招标书和国内的招标书。

国际招标书和投标书要求两种版本,按国际惯例以英文版本为准。 一般是以建设采购方所在地的语言为准。

如国外的企业进行国际招标,一般是以英语(或当地语言)为准。 如果是中国单位进行国际招标,招标文件中一般注明,当中英文版本产生差异时以中文为准。

2、按招标的标的物划分,又可分为三大类;货物、工程、服务。 根据具体标的物的不同还可以进一步细分。




Bid Cover Letter

(to be attached with Bidder's Bid)

RFB No.:




Having examined the Request For Bid (RFB) documents, we understand the requirements for preparation of our bid in strict conformity with the RFB documents.

If awarded the contract, the undersigned agrees to execute immediately a Contract similar to the Sample Contract supplied by Company (or as modified by the proposed addendum as agreed by the parties).

We agree to maintain the documents confidential within our organization and will not disclose them except as strictly required to prepare our bid.

Our bid/proposal contains the following attachments:

Bidder's Proposed Price / Quotation

Bidder's Information

Bidder's Proposed Addendum to Contract

All communications regarding our bid should be sent to our General Manager Mr. Tao who is responsible for bid clarification and contract negotiation.

The contact information is:


Fax :


(Firm name to be used in Contract)




(Type or print name)


样本我没有,给你个大纲,自己写吧!:b Chapter Ⅰ: The Contract Chapter Ⅱ: Terms and Conditions Chapter Ⅲ: Preambles Chapter Ⅳ: Preliminaries Chapter Ⅴ: Bills of Quantities or Schedule of Rates Chapter Ⅵ: Summary of Bills or Summary of Rates Chapter Ⅶ: Technical Specifications 国外建筑业的标书都是以此为大纲,关于?热菰跹矗呛芨丛拥模槐颈曜急晔樵趺囱灿腥陌僖持剑?吹帽曜迹皇羌虻サ呐叮? 据我所知,此类标书网上没下载,不过有得卖,不会很贵,百多元而已。




